This is why i like relient k
Well I mean who doesent but any way when I was coming home from Alabama i was listneing to reilient k i heard a song that reminded me of the austins so i will try and get a link.
the life and times of adam - an eleven year old who is soon to be king of the world.
Well I mean who doesent but any way when I was coming home from Alabama i was listneing to reilient k i heard a song that reminded me of the austins so i will try and get a link.
hey guys this is my second post today buts it i can now kinda play the pia no.2 i have found a new thing which you can see at or click here.finally i might be quiting boyscouts please pray for me at this time of hard decision.bye
heppy thanksgiving everyonei hope your having a good one because i know the terrells and atkinsons are.well besides my great my grandma dying.But at least she is in a better place now. ONe of the resons i havent updated my blog was i was at the jesus project which let me tell you it was a blast.alright lets see what else has been going on .I need to think of something i am trying to make my post longer..........Oh!I got a nickname at the jesus project Weiners because i fell in the creek and didnt have any pants so i had to wear my osar mayer weiner sleeping pants.What else happened...........................oh yeah!we have a band name now its No Stones Remain.Because in mark jesus says,"Look at these temples.You see them.None of their stones will remain when the new jeruslem comes down to eart."Well i didn't get my post as long as i wanted oh well.1 word for you guys "peace out"
today my dad accidentaly on flicker posted **** instead of shirt he has now changed it so it an inside joke
Ok a really cheesey title has to have a really cheesey meaning.The meaning is we were watching an episode of the simposon called "o brother where art tou" were homer goes to find his half brother.Then we found out montana was lost and searched for 2 hours only to find her locked in my closet.then we sleept.see ya
the week is a blast not.Well not exactly i have got some cool stickers for my board and we went shopping and got some new clothes we as in me noah and my grandma.the not so good is my grandma is like driving me nuts man we have to be inside our house by 5:30 and we cant go any where without my grandma,i have lost my u2 pick which means alot to me and noah wont stop coming and my room to drum,when i am doing home work!!!!!!upside is i am close to my new guitar and have been practicing alot so til the see ya.
hey guys i got this website from blaine it lets you hear the music if you go that section and choosed sign or unsighned which means famous or not them selcet the type of music and select the band.Oh and speaking of bands i need some sugestions for names.