Some Guy's Blog

the life and times of adam - an eleven year old who is soon to be king of the world.

Friday, September 23, 2005

The courpse bride

hey guys i just got back from the corpse bride on the first day you all should see it if u don't like tim burton u suck,It is way better that his first movie and u should see it before everyone else does

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

blog is back

hey guys just saying my blog is back and i am stuck between deciding on which guitar.the first one is up top next we have the orange and black one and the 2rd one is closest to the paragraph depending on which get the 2 and 1 are gonna be black i am getting very close to wich one i am getting money wise so i am gonna be freaking out about this tell me which one u like

Monday, September 12, 2005

the forgotten

hey guys it seemed to me like September 11 this sunday was really neglected so i would like to for every one to remember them and pray for them cuase we were all affected by it also if your a big tim burtond fan i will see you at the premiere of the courpse bride